Archive for 2007


[FLASH] How to Jump Randomly to Frame Labels without Repeats

Sources: http David StillerHow to Jump Randomly to Frame Labels without Repeats One of the more popular entries of this blog describes How to Jump to a Random Frame Label.  The ActionScript 2.0 involved is very straightforward, weighing in at a mere 5 lines.  Its sole purpose is to choose a random label once at[…]

[FLASH] Setting your flash headers/swfs to play only once an hour

Sources: http David StillerSetting your flash headers/swfs to play only once an hour I’m popping this code into my hybrid flash/html pages in order to stop my flash header animations from playing every time someone visits the page or any other pages with the same swf. which can be very irritating to site visitors after[…]

[FLASH] How to Jump to a Random Frame Label

Sources: http David StillerHow to Jump to a Random Frame Label This question comes up from time to time in the forums.  Typically, someone has built a Flash banner ad with a handful of entry points.  The ad is supposed to start at any one of these, but the choice should be random.  For example,[…]

[FLASH] Move to next scene after movie clip finished

Sources: Reported Issues: I have a very simple animation (object falls from off screen and lands with a bounce) and I simply want to go to the next frame when the animation has finished. Any straight forward way of doing this? Found Solution: Method 1 At the end of your animation just add the[…]

[PUBLISHING] Grids : Flexible Options

Sources: Author: Jacci Howard Bear Grids : Flexible Options Choosing the Right Grid Makes All the Difference Choose a grid based on the content and adjust content based on the grid The right grid offers the designer flexibility without overwhelming them with possibilities. The right grid also enhances organization and makes it easy for[…]

[PUBLISHING] Grids : Consistency & Unity

  Sources: Author: Jacci Howard Bear Grids : Consistency & Unity Tying Elements of a Page Design Together with Grids For the most part, people prefer organized visual information Newsletters, magazines, brochures, annual reports, and books often have many visual elements: columns of text, headlines, photos, illustrations, pull-quotes, etc. Grids allow the designer to build[…]

[PUBLISHING] Grids : Order Out of Chaos

   Sources: Author: Jacci Howard Bear Grids : Order Out of Chaos Invisible Structures: When and Why to Use Grids in Page Layout Think of the grid as a plan — a plan for your page layout Many of the pages that you see everyday have a grid. You may not see it but it[…]

[PUBLISHING] Newsletter Design Clinic: Use Fewer Fonts

Sources: Jacci Howard BearUse Fewer FontsDesktop Publishing Rules for How Many Fonts to UseHow many fonts are too many for one project and how do you know where to draw the line? A generally accepted practice is to limit the number of different typefaces to three or four. That doesn’t mean you can’t use[…]

Day Traders: Beyond Sole Proprietorship

Sources: http Barbara Weltman Day Traders: Beyond Sole Proprietorship With today’s technology and changes in SEC rules, many individuals now use their home computers to make money in the stock market through daily trading. Most traders jump into this activity because they believe they can make serious money; they don’t give thought to whether they[…]