Namewee feat. Jacky Wu Tsung-Hsien (慢慢做起來 – 黃明志 feat. 吳宗憲)


有人別出心裁 有人謬想天開
You ren bie chu xin cai you ren miu xiang tian kai
Some try to be different, some are whimsical

標新立異的人渴望舞台 迫不及待
Biao xin li yi de ren ke wang wu tai po bu ji dai
while the unconventional are eager for a stage

沒有與生俱來 只能期盼苦盡甘來
Mei you yu sheng ju lai zhi neng qi pan ku jin gan lai
Those born ordinary hope their hard work will pay off

到處去撞牆灰頭土臉 必須忍耐
Dao chu qu zhuang qiang hui tou tu lian bi xu ren nai
yet there is no choice but to endure all hardships

坦誠相待 也會有人拒之門外
Tan cheng xiang dai ye hui you ren ju zhi men wai
Some put in their efforts but still get kicked out

見利忘義的朋友離開 不瞅不睬
Jian li wang yi de peng you li kai bu chou bu cai
And friends will leave when you’ve got nothing

人生百態 歷經太多的無奈
Ren sheng bai tai li jing tai duo de wu nai
Countless helpless situations in life

Cong bu jue de zi ji bei da bai
but never once thought I was crushed

心態沒崩壞 相信總會有人明白
Xin tai mei beng huai xiang xin zong hui you ren ming bai
As my confidence stands, someone will understand

那就慢慢做起來 一步一步來
Na jiu man man zuo qi lai yi bu yi bu lai
Working hard, step by step

若不是天才 就慢慢灌溉
Ruo bu shi tian cai jiu man man guan gai
Without being a genius, taking it slowly and diligently

跌倒慢慢站起來 推翻再重來
Die dao man man zhan qi lai tui fan zai zhong lai
After falling, stand back up and start all over again

不害怕挫敗 最怕在原地等待
Bu hai pa cuo bai zui pa zai yuan di deng dai
While undeterred by defeats, I refuse to stay put

這個城市太多妖魔鬼怪 彷彿每個人都各懷鬼胎
Zhe ge cheng shi tai duo yao mo gui guai, fang fu mei ge ren dou ge huai gui tai
So many demons in this city, As if everyone has hidden agendas

見利忘義背叛都是常態 不須憤慨 大驚小怪
Jian li wang yi bei pan dou shi chang tai bu xu fen kai da jing xiao guai
Betrayals driven by personal gains are normal so no point to feel indignant or make a fuss

為了夢想獨自飄洋過海 烏煙瘴氣來回風吹日曬
Wei le meng xiang du zi piao yang guo hai wu yan zhang qi lai hui feng chui ri shai
I went abroad for the sake of my dream in a harsh environment, under scorching heat

四處碰釘碰了一鼻子灰 酸甜苦辣 自己明白
Si chu peng ding peng le yi bi zi hui suan tian ku la zi ji ming bai
Being the only person through ups and downs

原來 為了去證明有多麼地無可取代
Yuan lai wei le qu zheng ming you duo me de wu ke qu dai
In order to prove how indispensable I am

犧牲了太多 不堪回首 也甩不開
Xi sheng le tai duo bu kan hui shou ye shuai bu kai
with many sacrifices too unbearable to recall

降低姿態 放下身段 It’s Alright
Jiang di zi tai fang xia shen duan It’s Alright
Be humble, keep a low profile, it’s alright

Zai duo kun nan zai duo de zu ai
Despite the difficulties and obstacles

都百戰不殆 就要讓你另眼相待
Dou bai zhan bu dai jiu yao rang ni ling yan xiang dai
refuse to yield, just to inspire you

Repeat *

總有太多意外 從天上掉下來
Zong you tai duo yi wai cong tian shang diao xia lai
The unexpected will keep coming from the sky

從不敢鬆懈倦怠 多用腦袋
Cong bu gan song xie juan dai duo yong nao dai
so never slack off and always use your brain


Repeat * x2


有人自願離開 有人會被淘汰
You ren zi yuan li kai you ren hui bei tao tai
Some quit while some eliminated

現實將太多雄心壯志 全都活埋
Xian shi jiang tai duo xiong xin zhuang zhi quan dou huo mai
while great ideals and aspirations buried in reality

手裡握著爛牌 就翻轉命運的安排
Shou li wo zhe lan pai jiu fan zhuan ming yun de an pai
If not born with it, then fight for it

有信念才能夠 改變未來
You xin nian cai neng gou gai bian wei lai
for a firm determination changes the future

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