My first Paintball Tournament @ NPL 2006 1st Series


P/S: This post is from my old blog. I would like to elaborate more and some of it is added extra from the original.

17-19 MARCH 2006 : This is my first ever paintball tournament with Team Tornado Paintball Club. Our team consist of 5-men team which includes me aka J.LOW, Daniel aka NAIL, Reuben aka CAPTAIN, Randal and Adrian. This year we join the DIVISION 3 category which is NOVICE category. The competition held at Padang Varsiti at University Malaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

On Friday night, there is a captain’s meeting at the field office to give briefing about the competition terms and condition, game rules and also Q&A session.

On the competition day, we have to be at the field by 8:00 AM to get ourself well prepared and settling down at our campsite. There are quite number of team in DIV3, roughly about 50 teams competiting for the 1st placing. Today we have to play for 7 matches and 1 more matches tomorrow before deciding we are moving to the TOP 8 round. There are about 10 teams which is well trained and experienced. We are considered newest in the tournament but we all looking professional as we have full apparels and enought equipment.

– Each match is set at 5 minutes.
– Full scores is 100 points.
– Each team mates down will be deducting 2 points while each enemy down will be extra 2 point.
– Securing and hang enemy flag back to base will gives total 90 points.
– If the game is over with the flag still not secured. Scores will be count on alive and dead players. MAX point is 20 points.

In the overall competition MAX point is suppose to be 800 points. My team manage to obtain 611 points which ranked at 7th placing. Our scoring from the match is 100 | 100 | 100 | 98 | 92 | 94 | 6 | 95. We won each and every game and loses 1 game only. Then when we entered the Quater Final. We got knocked out with the scoring 2-1. In TOP 8 matches, we must play with the opponent team for BEST of 3 games. If 3 games played and the score is still 1-1 and last match is a DRAW game then final match will be proceed with 1-player on 1-player game style.

This time champion is taken by Team Rakan Muda SNIPER A. Check out some snap shot from the ALBUM.

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