Linksys WiFi crashed my internet network!


P/S: This post is from my old blog. I would like to elaborate more and some of it is added extra from the original.

Recently, my Linksys WRT54G v3.1 Wireless Router giving me damn headache which I never had for the past 2 years. It hangs my wireless and wired connection but remains CONNECTED TO INTERNET. I only able to log in to Blueserver for Warcraft III and P2P(peer to peer) application such as BitTorrent. The rest such as Internet Explorer, MSN Messenger, Skype and etc does not have a connection at all.

Linksys Firmware
I browse the Internet for some latest update on Linksys WRT54G v3.1 and I found there is an updated firmware. I download it and upgrade the firmware to make sure that causes the problem. After I have reset the router and try it again, it works but only last a little longer and the shit happens back again. Tonight I am going to flash the firmware with a 3rd party application called TALISMAN. Hope it works!’;’ type=’text/javascript’>

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